Price: $0.00

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* Select Your Crew:
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This page is to allow members to register to use the website and for non-members to request information about the club,  There is no charge for the registration or membership information.

Members: Use this page to register to use this site. Please enter your information into the site. Be sure to select your crew name from the options during the website registration. Once you have entered your information your membership will be verified and you will be given access to the "members only" parts of the site. This will allow you to purchase items, order patches, pay dues and more. Be aware it may take up to 48 hours to verify your membership.

Non-Members: Use this page to request information about the club if you are interested becoming a member or even starting a crew in your area. Under the option to select a crew please select "I am interested in membership". Please fill in the form completely including phone number, address and email address. A member of Dogs of Fire Motorcycle Club will contact you to discuss membership.